
This is a plugin for Kaleidoscope, for controlling the LEDs, and LED effects. It is also a building block for plugins that control LEDs.

Using the extension

Plugin methods


Activates the next LED mode. Cycles to the first LED mode if the current LED mode is the last one.


Activates the previous LED mode. Cycles to the last LED mode if the current LED mode is the first one.


Returns the current LED mode.


.set_mode(uint8_t mode_id)

Activates a LED mode by its index in the firmware. If the index exceeds the numer of led modes, the method returns early.


Returns the index of the currently active LED mode.


If the hardware has LEDs and LEDs are enabled, turn all LEDs off and then trigger the current LED mode to refresh.

.setCrgbAt(uint8_t led_index, cRGB crgb)

Sets the specified LED to the provided color.

.setCrgbAt(KeyAddr key_addr, cRGB color)

Sets the LED for the specified key to the provided color.

.getCrgbAt(uint8_t led_index)

Get the LED color of the specified LED.

.getCrgbAt(KeyAddr key_addr)

Get the LED color of the LED for the specified key.


Force an update of all LEDs.

.set_all_leds_to(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b)

Set all LEDs using the provided rgb values.

.set_all_leds_to(cRGB color)

Set all LEDs to the specified color.

.setSyncInterval(uint8_t interval)

Set the interval at which the LEDs should sync, in milliseconds.

Note: LED updates are considered on each cycle of the runtime. Because of that, the interval effectively means that at least interval milliseconds has passed before LEDs are synced.

.setBrightness(uint8_t brightness)

Set the brightness for all LEDs.


Returns the current brightness of the LEDs as a uint8_t.


See [[event-handler-hooks]]


.onKeyEvent(KeyEvent &event)

See [[event-handler-hooks]]


See [[event-handler-hooks]]


Triggers the currently active LED mode to update. It is up to the LED mode to handle this correctly.

.refreshAt(KeyAddr key_addr)

Triggers the currently active LED mode to refresh the LED at the specified key address.

.activate(LEDModeInterface *plugin)


Turn off all LEDs and disables updating LEDs


Enables updating LEDs and calls refreshAll()


Returns a bool value reflecting whether LEDs are currently enabled.